We have been learning about the children of Kroo Bay. Kroo Bay is a slum community in Africa. In Kroo Bay children don’t have enough medicine to go around. Some children get sick and die from diahorrea. One child out of four would die before they were five. There is a clinic that was just made but there is still not enough medicine for everyone.
In Kroo Bay they also don’t have good materials to make their houses. They just use anything they can find in the river like old scrap metal. When it rains their houses leak ans sometimes it rains so much the houses flood. The children have to walk through the Crocodile River to get to some places.
Save the Children helps poor children in countries all around the world. I would like to but a mosquito net from the wish list. It costs $13. It could save a lot of lives.
So please tell your friends and family about how the mosquito net from the wish list can help a lot of childen.